(S)radicamento e comunità. Le risposte di Simone Weil alla crisi del soggetto
This essay discusses aspects of Weil's philosophy related to her conception of uprooting and community. Weil's philosophy fits into a stream of thought around the crisis of the Subject. The latter in the twentieth century is transformed from an original and certain datum to a long and arduous "task" of becoming conscious, through the recognition in itself of the multiple traces of the Other. As Weil demonstrates through the two concepts of uprooting – one from the "inside" and another from the "outside" – present in her work, the identity of the Subject involves the recognition of the otherness constitutive to us: "knowing" for the human being always means "recognizing" through the mediation of the Other and, therefore, through the numerous signs in which otherness manifests itself. This reflection is accompanied by the importance that the philosopher assigns to the community and to the history, in order to fight the uprooting from the "outside". Finally, aspects of religious communitarianism will be analysed to show the affinity with Weil's reflections on community and history.
DOI Code:
Simone Weil; Community; Uprooting; Otherness; Communitarianism; Alterity
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