Work and Organizational Psychology
Emanuela Ingusci(a), Margherita Brondino(b), Evangelia Demerouti(c) and Monica Molino(d)
(a)University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
(b)University of of Verona, Italy
(c)Eindhoven Technology University, Netherlands
(d)University of Turin, Italy
The present special issue deals with some interesting topics related to Work and Organizational Psychology and it is inspired by the healthy workplaces issue, main theme of the 17th Congress of Italian Association of Psychologist, held in Lecce in 2019, called “The future of work, the work of future: the psychology to innovate, transform and develop in the organizations”. Healthy workplaces encourage and support physical and psychological health and well-being of employees. Moreover, a healthy organization focuses not only on a successful business but also on a positive connection between organizational profitability and workers’ well-being. This perspective incorporates four different levels of analysis: individual, group, organizational and inter- organizational, thus defining a systemic vision of work. Theoretical frame- works such as the Job Demands-Resources Model integrate these perspectives and can be used to strengthen the systemic vision of work. The Special Issue aims at deepening the knowledge about those factors related to work and well-being under a positive psychology perspective.
E. Ingusci, M. Brondino, E. Demerouti, M. Molino (Guest Editors of EJASA)
Special Issue WOP2019
Does the association between workload and work engagement depend on being workaholic? A cross-cultural study on Italian and Canadian employees | Details pdf |
Alessandro Lo Presti, Sevag Kevin Kertechian, Alfonso Landolfi | 589 - 611 |
Italian adaptation of the Pemberton Happiness Index | Details pdf |
Valeria Micheletto, Margherita Zito, Massimo Bustreo, Giorgio Gabrielli, Vincenzo Russo | 612 - 633 |
Two is worse than one. The mediating role of precariousness of life in the association between qualitative job insecurity and distress among Italian temps | Details pdf |
Flavio Urbini, Alessandro Lo Presti, Antonio Chirumbolo, Antonino Callea | 634 - 651 |
What a difference a workplace makes. A scientometric analysis on the relationship between job crafting and healthy organizations’ factors | Details pdf |
Cataldo Giuliano Gemmano, Fulvio Signore, Alessandro Oronzo Caffò, Giovanni Luca Palmisano, Andrea Bosco, Amelia Manuti | 652 - 681 |
Smartphone-based interventions for employees' well-being promotion: a systematic review | Details pdf |
Giulia Paganin, Silvia Simbula | 682 - 712 |
Job satisfaction in a sample of nurses: A multilevel focus on work team variability about the head nurse's transformational leadership | Details pdf |
Paola Gatti, Edoardo Pepe, Andrea Caputo, Marco Clari, Valerio Dimonte, Rosalie J. Hall, Claudio Giovanni Cortese | 713 - 738 |
Teacher Stress and burnout: a study using MIMIC modelling | Details pdf |
Maria Luisa Pedditzi, Eraldo Francesco Nicotra, Marcello Nonnis, Paola Grassi, Claudio Giovanni Cortese | 739 - 757 |

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e-ISSN: 2070-5948