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Valeria Micheletto
Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour “Carlo A. Ricciardi”
Università IULM, Milan, Italy
Valeria Micheletto, Ph.D. is a Teaching Assistant in Consumer Psychology, Audio-visual Communication Psychology, and Tourism Psychology at IULM University, Milan. She has a first degree in Foreign Languages and a second in Communication. She got her Ph.D. in Communication and Markets, specializing in Consumer and Positive Psychology. Her research focuses on children's and adults’ well-being, consumption and media on the one side, and on vocational education and the development of soft skills on the other. She also leads educational labs for primary school children, to sensitize them to the responsible use of the media. She has authored and co-authored many scientific publications.
Margherita Zito
Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour “Carlo A. Ricciardi” and Behavior and Brain Lab IULM – Neuromarketing Research Center, Università IULM, Milan, Italy
Margherita Zito is a researcher in work and organizational psychology. She is oriented, in particular, to organizational and individual well-being. Her main area of study is focused on positive psychology, and on the individual well-being at work, with high interest to flow at work, passion for work, motivational dynamics, and personal resources. She published different scale adaptations in these fields with good psychometric and empirical evidence. Her area of study is also oriented in the field of neuroscience as for neuro management issues.
Massimo Bustreo
Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour “Carlo A. Ricciardi”
Università IULM, Milan, Italy
Massimo Bustreo, Ph.D.Adjunct Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at IULM University. Teacher of Communication, Psychology of Communication and Tourism Psychology. Trainer, personal and business coach in organizational and educational fields for trainers, teachers, and professionals. Major specialization in Communication, Interpersonal Relationship, Group Dynamics, Leadership, Motivation, Management, Emotions and Involvement in Consumer Behavior and Decision Making Dynamics, Work Harassment Prevention, Interview Design, and Conduction. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal «Turismo e Psicologia» (ISSN 2240-0443). Author of more than 110 scientific and educational publications.
Giorgio Gabrielli
Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour “Carlo A. Ricciardi”
Università IULM, Milan, Italy
He graduated with honors in Philosophy in Pavia University with a thesis in moral philosophy, he obtained a Ph.D. in Human Interactions: the psychology of consumption, behavior, and communication, at IULM University, with the profile in the psychology of organizational processes.
He is currently Adjunct Professor of "Organizational Behavior & Neuromanagement" and "Managing Yourself" at IULM University. He is also CEO of News 3.0 and Board Member of Tinaba, Aedes and Arepo BP.
Areas of scientific interest:- Psychology of work and organization- Neuromanagement, Neuroleadership and Neuroselling- Development, motivation, organization and selection of personnel- Philosophy and psychology of management
Vincenzo Russo
Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour “Carlo A. Ricciardi” and Behavior and Brain Lab IULM – Neuromarketing Research Center, Università IULM, Milan, Italy
Vincenzo Russo Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Consumer Psychology and Neuromarketing at IULM University. Director of the Center of Research for Neuromarketing, “Behavior and Brain Lab – IULM University. From 2012 He is Director of the Master in Food and Wine Communication; from 2009 is Director of the Master in Sanitary Professions Coordinators and from 2016 Director of the Master in Sport Communication and Sport Marketing. Author of several papers and books about the Neuromarketing, Social Communication. He has widely published in recognized international journals (Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Advertising Research, Food Quality and Preference; Journal of Global Information Management, European Journal of Information Systems).
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