Transitional Waters Monographs is a journal edited by University of Lecce.
This journal is dedicated to publish rapidly and for a large audience innovative results of field and laboratory experiments, new techniques and creative new ideas and theoretical developments on all aspects of the ecology and conservation of river mouth ecosystems, lagoons, coastal lakes and brackish wetlands. Theoretical, analytical, experimental, empirical, historical, descriptive approaches are all included, from any field and organization level of interest in ecology (i.e., from ecophysiology and ecotoxicology to ecosystem and landscape ecology). Papers reporting ecological research on all kind of organisms are welcome. Transitional Waters Bulletin will also strongly encourage the submission of technical papers, reporting technical and methodological innovations or new technical and methodological developments in the fields of most general interest. The journal provides a multidisciplinary unifying Forum in which all aspects of monitoring and conservation of transitional ecosystem health and of sustainable and adaptive management of the natural heritage of transitional landscapes, also with historical and socio-ecological perspectives, can be presented and discussed. Short research or concept papers and letters that are well grounded in ecological theory and have broad implications for environmental policy and resource management are well suited for the publication in the Forum section.
The journal will start with two issues per year.
The journal publication begins in 2007.

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e-ISSN: 1825-2273