The Pytkeev property and the Reznichenko property in function spaces
For a Tychonoff space we denote by
the space of all real-valued continuous functions on
with the topology of pointwise convergence. Characterizations of sequentiality and countable tightness of
in terms of
were given by Gerlits, Nagy, Pytkeev and Arhangel'skii. In this paper, we characterize the Pytkeev property and the Reznichenko property of
in terms of
. In particular we note that if
over a subset
of the real line is a Pytkeev space, then
is perfectly meager and has universal measure zero.
DOI Code:
Function space; Topology of pointwise convergence; Sequential; Countable tightness; Pytkeev space; Weakly Fréchet-Urysohn; $omega$ -cover; $omega$-shrinkable; $omega$-grouping property; The Menger property; The Rothberger property; The Hurewicz property; Universal measure zero; Perfectly meager; Property $(gamma)$
54C35; 54D20; 54D55; 54H05
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