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Author Guidelines

Submission of Manuscripts. Authors must submit their manuscripts as a single PDF file by using the online submission system authors will be asked to supply the title of the paper, abstract, keywords and AMS classification. Moreover, in the Step 1 “ Suggested Editors/Comments for the Editor/Suggested Reviewers” the authors must suggest a member of the Editorial Board whose area is closer to the topic of the submission.

Original material. Articles submitted for publication must not have been published before or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Preparation of Manuscripts. Articles submitted for publication must be written in English and (preferably) produced in LaTeX. Articles must be double-spaced, with wide margins. The first page must contain the title, authors' names and addresses, the abstract, keywords and AMS classification numbers. Figures must also prepared in electronic form. References must be in alphabetic order, with journal's names abbreviated according to Mathematical Reviews conventions, and listed at the end of the manuscript.

Accepted Manuscripts. Articles accepted for publication must be in LATEX, according to the journal's own style. Authors may download the style file (.cls, .sty) and instructions (.tex, .pdf) from the journal's site. Figures must be in Encapsulated PostScript (TM) (.eps) format. Authors should choose 0.1mm of width for thin lines and 0.3mm of width for thick lines in your drawing program.

Submission of Manuscripts. Authors must submit their manuscripts as a single PDF file by using the online submission system authors will be asked to supply the title of the paper, abstract, keywords and AMS classification. Moreover, in the Step 1 “ Suggested Editors/Comments for the Editor/Suggested Reviewers” the authors must suggest a member of the Editorial Board whose area is closer to the topic of the submission.

Original material. Articles submitted for publication must not have been published before or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Preparation of Manuscripts. Articles submitted for publication must be written in English and (preferably) produced in LaTeX. Articles must be double-spaced, with wide margins. The first page must contain the title, authors' names and addresses, the abstract, keywords and AMS classification numbers. Figures must also prepared in electronic form. References must be in alphabetic order, with journal's names abbreviated according to Mathematical Reviews conventions, and listed at the end of the manuscript.

Accepted Manuscripts. Articles accepted for publication must be in LATEX, according to the journal's own style. Authors may download the style file (.cls, .sty) and instructions (.tex, .dvi, .ps, .pdf) from the journal's site. Figures must be in Encapsulated PostScript (TM) (.eps) format. Authors should choose 0.1mm of width for thin lines and 0.3mm of width for thick lines in your drawing program.


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this publication accept all the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons license at the link below.

Gli autori che pubblicano in questa rivista accettano i termini e le condizioni specificate nella licenza Creative Commons di cui al link sottostante.


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e-ISSN: 1590-0932