Traiettorie postumane per una sociolinguistica di genere


The aim of the study represents an attempt to reinterpreting some sociolinguistic phenomena according to queer and non-binary paradigms. In particular, we want to offer a posthumanist perspective on some sociolinguistics and sociophonetic concepts. This theoretical approach is based on the query, posed by feminist theorists such as Rosi Braidotti, to choose a direction towards the posthuman as a possible mean of escape from the binary system of gender. The posthuman lens will thus be used to reinterpret the relationship between linguistic embodiment, social and biological phonetic constraints, and linguistic performativity for the construction of gender identity. Therefore, the general purpose of the study will be to offer a non-anthropocentric point of view on linguistic facts, reinterpreting the relationship between human and non-human, nature and culture in a profitable way.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v46p275

Keywords: posthumanism; sociolinguistics; sociophonetics; cyberfeminism; queer studies.


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