Strategie discorsive dei bilingui e contesto sociolinguistico. Vecchie e nuove minoranze a confronto


In this paper the authors analyse the correlations between the bilinguals’ discourse strategies and the sociolinguistic context of two types of linguistic minority communities: of old and new settlement. The first one concerns the Franco-Provençal context of Faeto and Celle San Vito in Apulia, while the second one deals with the Senegalese migrants’ community in Pescara, Abruzzo.

The aim of the study is to identify recurrent patterns in discourse that can relate to the presence of specific sociolinguistic variants, which are considered peculiar to the contexts characterizing each of the two minorities.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v39p311

Keywords: sociolinguistics; linguistic minorities; new and old settlement; Franco-Provençal; Senegalese immigrants.


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