La elegía como hipograma en la poesía de Jorge Urrutia


Jorge Urrutia is a renowned intellectual writer, son of the more influential French thought in the half century. He appears on the literaly panorama showing the signs of the time in a period when new proposals for innovative genres are made. He also introduces a taste for novelty, characterized by a moderate and omphálico existentialism and an estrangement from silence and from that disturbing normality which used to annoy the recanters of the ‘80s. Unravelling between the classicist tradition in free verse and the novelty of the proema, the poet makes use of formal ways which keep their distance from impudence and sorrow. His poetic is a belated poetic influenced by existentialism and elegy whose horizon is represented by the pursuit of serenity. Jorge Urrutia tries, in a construcitve way, to replace the comings and goings of experience with serenity. He also tries to appease the cry of pain and control, in particular, that ‘unnoticed song’ he can never free himself from because the ‘Etrurian smile of the distance’ can both appease and control the instinct, so that experience, which is supposed to be peaceful, can be turned into elegy.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v8p205

Keywords: Jorge Urrutia ; poetic ; serenity ; elegy ; existentialism


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