Cultural turn tra fumetto e cinema. Alcuni casi di fumetti italiani anteguerra con rimandi cinematografici = Cultural turn between comics and cinema. Some cases of connections in Italian Pre-War comics


This essay focuses some aspects of mixture about Pre-War comics and cinema, adopting a historical and mediological perspective. In particular, we would analyze some comics such as Pinocchio divo del cinema (Pinocchio journal, Nerbini 1938, written by Collodi's Nephew and drawn by Giorgio Scudellari) and others with cinematographic references. This paper will consider only Italian Pre-War long stories (at least five pages) with metatextual aspects linked to cinema, in which the characters have the role of filmmaker, cameraman or actor. The main objective of this essay would be to investigate the Italian cultural turn between comics and cinema (for example, a lot of stories contained references to Hollywood's star system). These case studies would be analyzed primarily from the title of their stories.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22840753n21p253

Keywords: History of Cinema; History of Comics; Cinema and comics; Mediology; Media Archaeology

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