Politica, diplomazia e petrolio: la rivalità italo-britannica per i giacimenti petroliferi albanesi (1920-1925)


Between 1920 and 1925 the acquisition of Albanian oil fields represented one of the most important objectives of the Italian foreign policy, both in the liberal and the fascist years, in the southeasternBalkan. That intention, however, started a fierce dispute with Great Britain and its flag carrier, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, eager to get the riches existing in the Albania subsoil. Largely based on the unpublished documents kept in the Albanian National Archives, this article describes the political and diplomatic consequences created by the collision between Italian and British oil interests, as also how the Anglo-Italian dispute influenced the political life in Albania.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22808949a3n2p99

Keywords: Albania; Oil fields; Anglo-Italian relations; Benito Mussolini; Ahmet bey Zogolli; Anglo-Persian Oil Company; Assassination of general Enrico Tellini

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