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Adel Ayad Younis
Assistant Professor
Dr. Adel Younis, PhD, P.Eng., an assistant professor at Australian College of Kuwait (ACK), professional engineer in the province of British Columbia, Canada, and former research associate at both University of Victoria (UVic) and Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Canada. Dr. Younis has been teaching mechanical engineering courses at UVic, SFU and currently at ACK. Dr. Younis’ areas of research are machine and tool design, multidisciplinary optimization, energy harvesting, and design optimization of complex mechanical and energy systems. He has published many research papers pertaining to mechanical, optimization and renewable energy. He has more than 22 years of work, research, and teaching experience.
Mohamed ElBadawy
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Dr. Elbadawy is an assistant professor at the Australian College of Kuwait. Dr. Elbadawy is teaching mechnical and energy courses. His area of research is in Dynamical Systems and Control Systems, Solid Mechanics and FE Modeling.
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