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zeyad suliman almatarneh
amman arab university
Name : ZYAD SOLIMAN JADA'N ALMATARNEH 2. Rank : Assistant Professor, Accounting Department 3. Degrees with fields, institution, and date B.Sc.. in Accounting, Mutah University, Jordan, 2003. M.Sc. in Accounting, the League of Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Jordan, 2008. Ph.D. in Accounting, Jinan University, Lebanon,Academic , 2014. Experience: 4. Non- Academic Experience: Assistant Professor: Amman Arab University /Oct. 2017 till now. Lecture: the University of Zaytuna, period Evening 2010 to 2013. 5. Academic Experience: Auditor : Audit Bureau the Jordan2008 to 2016 6. Certifications or Professional Registrations: Preparation of financial statements in accordance with International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards Financial analysis for the purposes of internal and external audit Modern methods of detection of forgery and counterfeiting Legal and practical applications of income and sales tax laws Audit according to modern audit methodology ICDL certified
Alaa Al-Khatib
Nimer Alslihat
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