Interview to Efigjeni Kongjika (Director of Institute of Biological Researches)
The results of the Italian - Albanian collaboration in the Interreg II programme were excellent. The Biological Research Institute that I represent was founded by a great support of the scientific staff of the University of Lecce and Bari regarding the direction of the study of the Albanian vegetable biodiversity.
Η Ιταλο-Αλβανική συνεργασία του Ιδρύματος Βιολογικών Ερευνών στα πλαίσια του INTERREG ΙΙ είναι η καλύτερη δυνατή. Το Ίδρυμα, το οποίο αντιπροσωπεύει ο Efigjeni Kongjika έχει τύχει μεγάλης υποστήριξης απο το επιστημονικό προσωπικό του Πανεπιστημίου του Lecce και του Bari σχετικά με τη μελέτη της φυτικής βιοποικιλότητας στην Αλβανία.
I risultati della collaborazione italo - albanese nel programma Interreg II sono stati ottimi .L’Istituto delle Ricerche Biologiche che io rappresento ha trovato un grande appoggio nello staff scientifico dell’ Università di Lecce e di Bari per quanto riguarda lo studio della biodiversità vegetale albanese.
Institutl de Cercetari Biologice a contribuit la dezvoltarea relatiilor Italia-Albania in cadrul programului Interreg II. Institutul s-a bucurat de suportul stiintific al Universitatilor Lecce si Bari pentru studiul biodiversitatii vegetale din Albania.
Q: Which are the results of the collaboration Italian - Albanian in the field of the Interreg II program ? Which will be the next objectives in the programme?
A: The results of the Italian - Albanian collaboration in the Interreg II programme were excellent. The Biological Research Institute that I represent was founded by a great support of ...
D: Cilat jane rezultatet e bashkepunimit italo- shqiptar ne kuadrin e programit
Interreg II?
D:Cilat do te jene objektivat e ardhshme ne program?
P: Rezultatet e bashkepunimit italo-shqiptar ne kuader te Interreg II kane qene te shkelqyera. Instituti i Kerkimeve Bilogjike qe perfaqesoj ka gjetur nje ...
The results of the Italian - Albanian collaboration in the Interreg II programme were excellent. The Biological Research Institute that I represent was founded by a great support of the scientific staff of the University of Lecce and Bari regarding the direction of the study of the Albanian vegetable biodiversity.
Η Ιταλο-Αλβανική συνεργασία του Ιδρύματος Βιολογικών Ερευνών στα πλαίσια του INTERREG ΙΙ είναι η καλύτερη δυνατή. Το Ίδρυμα, το οποίο αντιπροσωπεύει ο Efigjeni Kongjika έχει τύχει μεγάλης υποστήριξης απο το επιστημονικό προσωπικό του Πανεπιστημίου του Lecce και του Bari σχετικά με τη μελέτη της φυτικής βιοποικιλότητας στην Αλβανία.
I risultati della collaborazione italo - albanese nel programma Interreg II sono stati ottimi .L’Istituto delle Ricerche Biologiche che io rappresento ha trovato un grande appoggio nello staff scientifico dell’ Università di Lecce e di Bari per quanto riguarda lo studio della biodiversità vegetale albanese.
Institutl de Cercetari Biologice a contribuit la dezvoltarea relatiilor Italia-Albania in cadrul programului Interreg II. Institutul s-a bucurat de suportul stiintific al Universitatilor Lecce si Bari pentru studiul biodiversitatii vegetale din Albania.
A: The results of the Italian - Albanian collaboration in the Interreg II programme were excellent. The Biological Research Institute that I represent was founded by a great support of ...
D:Cilat do te jene objektivat e ardhshme ne program?
P: Rezultatet e bashkepunimit italo-shqiptar ne kuader te Interreg II kane qene te shkelqyera. Instituti i Kerkimeve Bilogjike qe perfaqesoj ka gjetur nje ...
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