Interview to Artan Meço (Technical Secretariat of the National Council of Waters)
The main objectives of the Technical of Secretariat of the National Council of Waters are: The application of the national strategy of waters and the preparation of a central inventory of the reserves of waters, both the quantity and the quality.
Οι κύριοι στόχοι της Τεχνικής Γραμματείας του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου Υδάτων: Η εφαρμογή της εθνικής στρατηγικής των νερών και της προετοιμασίας οργανωμένης αρχειοθέτησης των υδάτινων οικοσυστημάτων, είτε ποσοτικά είτε ποιοτικά.
Gli obiettivi principali del Segretariato Tecnico del Consiglio Nazionale delle Acque sono: l’applicazione della strategia nazionale delle acque e della preparazione di un inventario centrale delle riserve di acque sia per la quantità che per la qualità.
Obiectivele principale ale Scecretarialui Tehnic al Consiliului National al Apelor sunt: aplicarea strategiei nazionale a apei si a prepararii unei inventarieri a rezervorului de apa, din punct de vedere calitativ si cantitativ.
Q: Which is the role of your Institution in the environmental field and in
particular for the waters?
R: The role of the organs of administration of the reserves of waters, and their tasks, is the collaboration with others institutions. According to the law "For the reserves of waters " the management of the water-bearing stratums in Albania is carried out from ...
D: Cili eshte roli i Instituzionit tuaj ne sektorin e mjedisit dhe kryesisht ne
sektorin e ujit?
R: Organet e adminstrimit te rezervave ujore, perberja dhe detyrat e tyre, bashkepunimi me instituzionet e tjera. Sipas ligjit “Per rezervat ujore”, administrimi i burimeve ujore ne Republiken e ...
The main objectives of the Technical of Secretariat of the National Council of Waters are: The application of the national strategy of waters and the preparation of a central inventory of the reserves of waters, both the quantity and the quality.
Οι κύριοι στόχοι της Τεχνικής Γραμματείας του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου Υδάτων: Η εφαρμογή της εθνικής στρατηγικής των νερών και της προετοιμασίας οργανωμένης αρχειοθέτησης των υδάτινων οικοσυστημάτων, είτε ποσοτικά είτε ποιοτικά.
Gli obiettivi principali del Segretariato Tecnico del Consiglio Nazionale delle Acque sono: l’applicazione della strategia nazionale delle acque e della preparazione di un inventario centrale delle riserve di acque sia per la quantità che per la qualità.
Obiectivele principale ale Scecretarialui Tehnic al Consiliului National al Apelor sunt: aplicarea strategiei nazionale a apei si a prepararii unei inventarieri a rezervorului de apa, din punct de vedere calitativ si cantitativ.
R: The role of the organs of administration of the reserves of waters, and their tasks, is the collaboration with others institutions. According to the law "For the reserves of waters " the management of the water-bearing stratums in Albania is carried out from ...
R: Organet e adminstrimit te rezervave ujore, perberja dhe detyrat e tyre, bashkepunimi me instituzionet e tjera. Sipas ligjit “Per rezervat ujore”, administrimi i burimeve ujore ne Republiken e ...
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