Misura del senso e senso della misura


The evaluation "culture" shows all its cultural poverty when it evaluates containers rather then contents, especially within the times of the evaluative bureaucracy rather than the longer and not predictable times of recognition and circulation of scientific truths. Actually the TINA (There Is No Alternative) "culture" is a non-culture, because culture and lack of alternatives are mutually exclusive. Luchily the obvious is almost never really obvious. For example the antihermeneutic claim that meanings can be measured, which looks obvious to the followers of the evaluation "culture", is not obvious at all. To measure meanings could be a meaningless operation. «Measurement» is counting or comparison, but also, or first of all, sense of proportion, that is equilibrium, discretion, reflexivity, moderation, prudence. Measurements lack sense of proportion if they do not remain at the service of evaluations, instead of pretending to replace evaluations, and so to reduce the real to the measurable. Which, if it is not easy in the more or less hard sciences, is simply ridiculous in the more or less soft ones.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22804250v6i1p342

Keywords: Meritocracy; Evaluation; Measurement; Counting; Sense of Proportion

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