Partecipazione e conflitto

Call for papers, Special Issue 1/2025:


Gender-Based Violence and Migration: Political Conflict, Intersectionality, and Contentious politics

Guest editors:

Alicia Castillo Villanueva (Dublin City University) and Arpita Chakraborty (Dublin City University)

This special issue aims to address the relation between gender-based violence and migration from a political and sociological perspective both in the so-called global North and South. We intend to foreground how the continuum of violence is magnifying issues of migration and political conflict, policymaking, race, gender, the rise of the extreme right in different contemporary societies, and in digital spaces. Also, we intend to examine the role of political contentions including protest, social movements, and other actions such as silent refusals that entail other forms of everyday acts of resistance.

Tastsoglou and Nourpanah (2019) have stated how migration is both a result and an aggravating or precipitating factor of GBV. Women may migrate voluntarily, but they can also be forced to flee due to armed conflicts (Jolof, Rocca, Mazaheri and Carlsson, 2022). Displaced women and women living in the aftermath of an armed conflict are at an increased risk of experiencing violence in different forms such as emotional (Al-Shdayfat, 2017), physical, mental, and sexual violence (Leaning, Bartels and Mowafi, 2009). Trafficking and forced prostitution of women and girls are also exacerbated during and after conflict (Martin and Callaway, 2009; Decker, Oram, Gupta and Silverman, 2009; Acharya and Clark, 2021).

Gender based violence can also be a factor to flee seeking safer living conditions such as gender-related forms of persecution: forced marriage, FGM, or domestic violence. On their journey, migrant women are more at risk of violence and can be targeted by human traffickers. Women who migrate are exposed to what is known as a continuum of violence rather than a series of isolated traumatic events that end when arriving in the country of settlement. Upon arrival, migrant women generally face intersectional discrimination for situating and finding themselves at the crucial nexus of gender, race, and/or ethnicity. Whenever this intersection operates and correlates with other critical external factors, such as GBV, their existing marginalisation and forms of direct and indirect discrimination amplify.

While migration has been a hotly debated topic in the last decades, work on the gendered forms of violence particularly experienced by migrant women and asylum seekers have been scarce. Other recent publications have examined the social and political dimensions in migration contexts (Freedman, Sahraoui and Tastsoglou, 2022). In the same line as international organisation such as the UNHCR (2021) and the recent publication by Freedman, Sahraoui and Tastsoglou (2022), the special issue we propose understands GBV as all forms of violence directed against a person because of their sex, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We focus on GBV against women as a problem rooted in policy issues, gendered social norms and structures that perpetrate unequal relations of power.

The articles in this special issue will examine GBV and its intersection with migration as a political issue that needs further attention, analysis and change at the social, political, and cultural level, to mention a few, to prevent different forms of GBV. We accept theoretical, empirical, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary articles from various backgrounds including sociology of conflict, political science, political philosophy, post-colonial studies, anthropology, ethnography, among others.

The articles will be organised around the following thematic axes, but also others that may arise from the call:

-        Gender-Based Violence, political conflict & forced migration.

-        Gender-Based Violence & policing migrants (prevention, risk mitigation, responses).

-        Gender-Based Violence & structural, intersectional discrimination.

-        Gender-Based Violence & contentious politics and resistance (protest, social movements, silent refusals).

-        Gender-Based Violence & transnational migrant networks (kinship, friendship, shared community of origin).

Deadlines for submissions:


Submission of long abstracts (800 - 1,000 words): 1st March 2024

Acceptance and notification: 31st March 2024

Submission of articles: 31st August

Provision of peer review feedback: 31st October 2024

Submission of revised drafts: 15th March 2025


Abstracts must include a description of the topic and how the article is addressing one or more of the thematic axes. For empirical studies, please include empirical data, methodology, and findings.


Articles, written in English, should be between 8,000 – 10,000 words, including notes and references.


Please check the link below for online submission and author guidelines


Long abstract should be sent to the editors:


Alicia Castillo Villanueva (Dublin City University):

Arpita Chakraborty (Dublin City University):



Acharya, A.K. and Clark, J.B. (2021). Narco-violence, forced displacement, and sex trafficking: a qualitative study in Mexico. Global Crime, Volume 22, Number 3, Page 205 DOI: 10.1080/17440572.2021.1915142

Al-Shdayfat, N. (2017). Emotional abuse among Syrian Refugee women in Jordan. Glob J Health Sci., 9:237.

Decker, M.R., Oram, S., Gupta, J. and Silverman, J.G. (2009). Forced Prostitution and Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation Among Women and Girls in Situations of Migration and Conflict: Review and Recommendations for Reproductive Health Care Personnel. In: Forbes Martin, S., Tirman, J. (eds) Women, Migration, and Conflict. Springer, Dordrecht.

Forbes Martin, S. and Tirman, J. (2009). Women, Migration, and Conflict. Springer, Dordrecht.

Freedman, J., Sahraoui, N. and Tastsoglou, E. (2022). Gender-Based Violence in Migration: Interdisciplinary, Feminist and Intersectional Approaches. Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan

Jolof, L., Rocca, P., Mazaheri, M., and Carlsson, T. (2022). Experiences of armed conflicts and forced migration among women from countries in the Middle East, Balkans, and Africa: a systematic review of qualitative studies. Confl Health 16, 46

Lama, P., Hamza, M. and Wester, M. (2021) Gendered dimensions of migration in relation to climate change. Climate and Development, 13:4, 326-336, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2020.1772708

Leaning, J., Bartels, S., Mowafi, H. (2009). Sexual Violence during War and Forced Migration. In: Forbes Martin, S., Tirman, J. (eds) Women, Migration, and Conflict. Springer, Dordrecht.

Martin, S. and Callaway, A. (2009). Women, Conflict and Trafficking: Towards a Stronger Normative Framework for Protection. In: Forbes Martin, S., Tirman, J. (eds) Women, Migration, and Conflict. Springer, Dordrecht.

Tastsoglou, E., & Nourpanah, S. (2019). (Re)Producing Gender: Refugee Advocacy and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Refugee Narratives. Canadian Ethnic Studies 51(3), 37-56.

UNHCR (2021). Gender-Based Violence

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