La terminología y el léxico del lenguaje parlamentario español


This paper intends to analyse the relationship between lexicology and terminology in the use of language within the Spanish parliament. It moves forth from the methodological approach of the Cultural Theory on Terminology, without disregarding the Communicative or the Socio-cognitive Terminology. The fieldwork begins with the analysis of two linguistic corpora of the Spanish parliamentarian language, and a corpus of generic language. From the comparison of these two corpora the author has drawn the basic terminology for the definition of the participants, the areas of action and communication, and the organisation of communication and of political action within the Spanish parliament. The results of this terminological extraction have been studied following the principles of the International Organisation for Standardization, and this has brought to prominence the need for a cultural study of the terminology of parliamentarian language, due to the special characteristics of this particular language: the consequences of its action on the general public, the variety in denomination, and the fact that concepts and ideas are here a matter of negotiation as much as of linguistics. Three major monolingual dictionaries have then been researched to verify the presence and the lexicographic setting of the extracted terminology. These studies have revealed that dictionaries often incur into problems with polyrhematic units and with the labelling of the knowledge-units. The paper's conclusion focuses on the need for an onomasiological approach of lexicography, and on the use of specialized corpora, in addition to those already used as reference, in the elaboration of generic language dictionaries.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v8p145

Keywords: specialized lexicography ; parliamentary language ; lexicography ; terminology ; corpus linguistics


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