E-Bayesian ‎estimation‎ ‎of traffic intensity ‎in ‎a‎‎ ‎M/M/‎1‎ ‎ ‎system ‎using ‎expected posterior ‎risk ‎criteria


The ‎strategy‎ ‎of ‎E-Bayesian ‎estimation ‎for‎ ‎traffic ‎intensity ‎in a‎ ‎queuing ‎‎‎M/M/1‎‎ ‎system ‎is developed ‎under different loss functions‎.‎ The ‎Bayesian ‎and ‎E-Bayesian ‎estimators‎ ‎are ‎derived‎ ‎using a ‎power‎ ‎prior ‎density ‎of‎ ‎traffic ‎intensity ‎and a‎ ‎robust ‎prior ‎for ‎the ‎hyperparameter ‎of ‎the ‎prior ‎distribution. ‎The ‎posterior ‎risk ‎of ‎Bayesian ‎estimators ‎and ‎the ‎associated ‎expected ‎posterior ‎risks ‎‎of ‎traffic ‎intensity ‎are ‎computed ‎for ‎comarision ‎purposes. A ‎M‎onte ‎Carlo ‎simulation ‎is ‎conducted‎ ‎for ‎performace ‎analysis ‎of ‎the ‎proposed ‎E-Bayesian ‎estimators ‎using ‎expected ‎posterior ‎criteria.‎‎‎

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v17n3p609

Keywords: ‎M/M/‎1‎‎ system; ‎‎R‎obust Bayesian ‎estimation; ‎Traffic ‎intensity.‎‎‎


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