Intention to Purchase Family Takaful Policy: Evaluation of the Mediating E


This paper aims to investigate the factors affecting individuals' intention to purchase family takaful policies in Pakistan. The extended version of the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB) with perceived trust was adopted as a theoretical foundation of the current study model. A total of 449 questionnaires were collected using a judgemental sampling technique and analyzed using SmartPLS. Of all the hypotheses, one was rejected. Attitude and subjective norms were found to have a positive relationship with intention. Perceived religiosity and knowledge were found to have a positive relationship with attitude. In addition to that, media referent and word of mouth were found to have a positive relationship with subjective norm while financial self-efficacy and resource facilitating conditions were found to have a positive relationship with perceived behavioral control. The mediating analysis suggested that trust mediates the relationship between religiosity and attitude. However, perceived behavioral control was found to have an insignificant relationship with intention. The results of this study highlight the applicability of DTPB into life insurance research and suggest marketing strategies for sustainable and survival of the takaful companies in Pakistan. The value of this paper lies in its presentation of a model for factors that affect an individual's intention to purchase family takaful policy.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v16n1p165

Keywords: Family takaful; purchase; trust; intention


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