A moderation and mediation model for customer revisit intention to non-Halal certified restaurants
Muslims normally choose Halal-certified restaurants, as they are obligated to eat Halal (permissible to consume) foods only. However, long-running food outlets run by non-Muslims, or restaurants without the Halal logo, or even those considered as non-Halal are still popular among Muslims. By adopting a stimulus-organism-response model, this study identified the atti- tudinal factors influencing Muslims to revisit a restaurant. Using purposive sampling and a self-administered survey questionnaire, data were collected from major shopping complexes in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. The find- ings revealed that service quality and image positively affected attitude, and that attitude positively affected revisit intention. Attitude was also found to mediate the relationship between service quality and image, and service qual- ity and revisit intention. Meanwhile, food quality had a moderating effect on the relationship between attitude and revisit intention. The findings of this study will benefit many parties, especially restaurateurs—whether operating Halal-certified restaurants or otherwise—locally and globally.
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