A Simple and Conservative Empirical Likelihood Function--Corrected
The likelihood function
is derived,
where is the true value, is the mean,
and is the variance of measurements. This form approaches a normal for large, but can be used also for small.
The use of this formula in data modeling is discussed.
DOI Code:
likelihood function; empirical; data analysis; lognormal; probabilistic; Bayesian
bibitem[Miller, 2014]{Miller2014}
Miller, Guthrie (2014).
newblock A Simple and Conservative Empirical Likelihood Function.
newblock {em Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis}, 7(2), pages 344--349. (2014).
bibitem[Miller, 2015]{Miller2015}
Miller, Guthrie (2015).
newblock {em Probabilistic Interpretation of Data--A Physicist's Approach}.
newblock Lulu Publications.
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