Reaching consensus in multiagent decision making
In a dynamic context, group decisions result as a mixture of agreement and compromise. We will put in evidence that an average of judgements of the components, i. e. the decision makers, of a committee can be built only if a majority of the members not too different opinions. We assume that an external chairman, with a complete information about the state of all the components of group, urges or invites decision makers to reach a sufficient consensus. In this paper, the judgements of experts are represented by points of a metric space, and the consensus is obtained by a dynamical construction of a maximal winning coalition contained in a ball with a fixed and suitably small diameter.
In a dynamic context, group decisions result as a mixture of agreement and compromise. We will put in evidence that an average of judgements of the components, i. e. the decision makers, of a committee can be built only if a majority of the members not too different opinions. We assume that an external chairman, with a complete information about the state of all the components of group, urges or invites decision makers to reach a sufficient consensus. In this paper, the judgements of experts are represented by points of a metric space, and the consensus is obtained by a dynamical construction of a maximal winning coalition contained in a ball with a fixed and suitably small diameter.
DOI Code:
Multiperson Decision Making; Cooperative Games; Consensus; Metric Spaces
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